How many people can you have ever started a ministry as a teenager, well I would have to say that I have never heard of a single ministry run by a teenager, let alone a media ministry.
I have had allot of other ministries/Churches tell me things like why are you even trying to start a ministry, you are too young, you don't have the credentials, or the education.
But one thing that these leaders failed to remember is Jesus himself didn't have the credentials, the education, and not to mention even as a kid he still knew what God's will really was and all the leaders back then still had no clue what it was that was needed most of all.
To become a spiritual Leader God has to call you to do that, it doesn't how old you are, it only matters that, it is the Lord's will for your life.
God has really blessed me not just with the material possessions I have, but with the ministry he has put on my heart to start.God has provided everything we needed so far for the ministry, he has provided us with the money,the camera, the studio, the software, not to mention a killer media producer.
I am just amazed at how much God trusts me with this Ministry.
I just want all teenagers out there to know that it doesn't what age you are, or how much experience you have in any field, as long as it is God's will for you, and that your heart is in the right place.
God Bless!