Sunday, November 14, 2010

True Friendship

"Friendship, True, Genuine Friendship. What does that mean to you? Someone who loves, cares, as long as things are going good? Someone who sticks by you, as long as you're having fun? Someone who goes along with everything you say? Someone who will follow you down the wrong path? No. That is not true, Genuine Friendship.

Genuine Friendship is someone that loves and cares for you, Especially during the hard times; Someone who isn't with you just to have fun; Someone who doesn't agree with everything you say; And someone who will take you by the hand When they see you going the wrong way, And lovingly helps you get back on the right path. If you have had a "closed-door", "nose-to-the grindstone" attitude, Now may be the time to open the door. It would be beneficial to make yourself a little more accessible to other people. Don't get so bogged down with things that you don't have the time to be there for someone when they need a friend.

Robert Fulghum has written: "The grass is not, in fact, always greener on the other side of the fence. Fences have nothing to do with it. The grass is greenest where it is watered."

Share with others in a heart-to-heart way. Listen with open ears to the feelings a person may be expressing, even more closely than you listen to the details of their story. Be willing to help carry their load. Go the extra mile with them and rejoice at their victories. Allow yourself to be vulnerable to others in return....revealing your own wounds, frustrations, hopes, dreams, and desires". Proverbs 17:16- A friend loves at all times, and is born, as is a brother, for adversity. This verse has been a living verse for me lately. We are to love our friends through thick and thin. Through those tough times when the waters of life are thick and murky. We are to love at all times even when they miss the mark and fall into sin. How far would you push the extent of this verse? What boundaries would you put on it? Now let me ask you how far does Jesus, who calls us friends, go to the extent of loving us? He is the true example of a friend who loves us at all times. He never leaves us or forsakes us. He is always thinking about us and loving us through even the worst of sinful times. It means much the same as 'blood is thicker than water.' A true friend loves you even when things are going good and bad (water), but a brother is a very special friend (blood) and help in times of trouble. A brother can be counted on more than anyone else in desperate times. The man of many friends [a friend of all the world] will prove himself a bad friend, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Proverbs 18: 24

Make no friendships with a man given to anger and with a wrathful man do not associate. Proverbs 22: 24

they have testified before the church of your love and friendship. You will do well to forward them on their journey [and you will please do so] in a way worthy of God's [service]. 3 John 1: 6

And the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. Moses returned to the camp, but his minister Joshua son of Nun, a young man, did not depart from the [temporary prayer] tent. Exodus 33: 11

a perverse man sows strife and a whisperer separates close friends. Proverbs 16: 28

He who covers and forgives an offense seeks love, but he who repeats or harps on a matter separates even close friends. Proverbs 17: 9

No one has greater love [no one has shown stronger affection] than to lay down (give up) his own life for his friends. John 15: 13

you are my friends if you keep on doing the things which I command you to do. John 15: 14

No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you John 15: 15(NKJV)

I am a companion of all those who fear, revere, and worship You, and of those who observe and give heed to Your precepts. Psalm 119: 63

faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are lavish and deceitful. Proverbs 27: 6

Oil and perfume rejoice the heart; so does the sweetness of a friend's counsel that comes from the heart. Proverbs 27: 9

as iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. Proverbs 27: 17(NKJV).