I want to start by reflecting on one of my previous posts about keeping your inner child; I know some of you are wandering why the title seems like I am double minded about this subject of growing up, well let me ease your confusion, keeping your inner child or your childlike heart is a lot different than childish ways.
I am turning 18 years old in about 3 months and week, and something I learned is that in growing up, it doesn’t mean you give up your child-like heart, that is to say “innocence and purity”. To believe God at his word.
The Bible talks about growing up too: 1 Corinth. 13: “New International Version (©1984)
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.”
Something God wants everyone to know is Keeping a childlike heart is basically staying pure and innocent and still trusting and knowing God’s voice.
Being Childish is being immature, selfish, playing mind games with someone and messing with someone’s heart, these are some but not all examples of being childish. Even King David said that in the above scripture about putting behind childish ways.
God wants us to grow up mature and be the men and women he made us to be but he wants us to keep our child like heart, and put childish ways behind us.