Many people have no problem believing in good luck and bad luck, yet they have a lot of trouble believing in miracles. This might be because not a lot of people know miracles are for, well in order for me to tell you what miracles are for I need you to know about luck.
Luck is something that man has come up with in order for us to cope with the good things and bad things that happen in our lives.
But the truth is luck is fake; in all the stories I have read about someone saying that they were “lucky” or had “bad luck” it usually has no real purpose it just happened.
But in the bible it says:
Ecclesiastes 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
Since everything in life has a purpose then that means luck cannot exist, however there is one thing that does have purpose and that is miracles.
Miracles are what we ask for in a time of need and if it is not a selfish request God will grant it.
For example when I was a child I had an almost fatal case of pneumonia I was going to have to stay in the hospital for a while for observation and to get well.
I didn’t know this when I was a kid but while I was there I kept on getting sleepy, and every time I tried to sleep my mother or a doctor would wake me up. But what I didn’t know was that if I had fallen asleep I would have died.
Now the part that was a miracle was a missionary from Africa had flown all the way to America to deliver my mother and I a message. He said that I would be better in two days and that by that time I would be going home.
And so after two days and all the prayers it came to pass and I was able to go home.
Now I am sure your wondering why bad things happen since there is no bad luck. Well there are some Christians who like to believe that all bad things happen because the Devil is just wanting to attack us, well that is partially true. The Devil does like to pick on us but the Devil does not have the power to do so. He must have permission to do this, when we disobey God by sin or by not doing what he asks of us. That is like giving the Devil the keys to your life.
God does not just take his protection from us if he does it is because we sinned against him and it is us who has pushed God’s protection.
There is a scripture that talks about God’s protection
Ezra 8:22
I was ashamed to ask the king for soldiers and horsemen to protect us from enemies on the road, because we had told the king, "The gracious hand of our God is on everyone who looks to him, but his great anger is against all who forsake him."
Someone who has true faith that Miracle’s can happen they will feel ashamed if they ever have even a little doubt in him and his protection.
If your not ashamed of doubting him and his protection then you remove God’s protection and that will leave room for the enemy to attack.
If you notice there is a reason for Miracles to happen and there is also a reason for the Enemy to attack you. Both should make you want to run to God.
Miracles help you with life’s troubles and being attacked by the Enemy is something we bring upon ourselves when we disobey or doubt God.
So I suggest you have faith in Miracles and what God can do over Luck because it can come back to bite you in the butt.