Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Emotional Self Control

Depression, anger, pride and arrogance, almost everyone struggles with these emotions and expressions it takes wisdom and understanding to know when you are taking it too far.

I have struggled with depression once and I was one of those who took it too far. I managed to let it consume my life almost to the point of no return. But God used my mother to pull me from the abyss and to realize that I had taken my sadness too far.

When you allow yourself to be ruled by your depression then it can affect the people around you. Although it may seem hard all emotions are controllable, some people have said that they couldn’t control their emotions and that they let their anger/depression get the best of them. But because you can control your emotions the only thing that happens is you allow yourself to be ruled by your emotions.

God wants us to share the light with people; you know like Faith, Hope, Love, Peace, Joy and Happiness. These are the emotions you should allow to run wild, these are the only emotions that should run your life.

Depression, anger these kinds of emotions are horrible and can lead to your own destruction if you don’t keep them under control.

When I was growing up I had a lot of anger problems, every time my brother would get on my nerves, I would hit him, but because that I would get punished. Any emotion that does not walk in line with the Fruits of the spirit can lead to your demise. Or even worse it could keep you from fulfilling you purpose in life and separate you from God.

2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

If we cannot control ourselves then how can we have a good life? And how would we ever be able to save souls like God wants us to do?