I was listening to a song
Called Angel’s Among Us, by Demi Lovato, over the
Holidays, and I couldn’t
help but to think about the Theology behind the song.
I began to meditate on what
scripture says on this topic, and the following
Scriptures are the ones that
really stood out-
Along time ago, in the
beginning of creation, God sent Angel’s to help populate the earth, but they
became corrupt. Those are the ones that are now chained up awaiting judgment at
the end.
When Jesus came, he came as
God incarnated as human, to able to understand and
Relate to humanity. The
Bible states that Jesus had to learn how to submit to his
Father, plus I imagine he
had to learn who he was, which is why he was always
In the synagogue: Plus I
would imagine the reason why he didn’t start
His “Ministry” till he was
30, is because he had to learn about human nature/behavior as a human. “The
Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. “ John 1:14
I would even dare venture to
use other language other than “Christianese” to describe the Lord as a King
from another dimension, or Alien Leader. LOL! Not that I’m making fun of
Christ, but rather how people get stuck on certain words to describe what we
know is true: Example: Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it
were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my
kingdom is from another place."- John 18:36
I would also dare say that
those “Sent” as Jesus, are also Aliens on
This earth: “ Also, “Dear
friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world,..” 1 Peter 2:11
I looked up some scriptures
that use the word angels in the beginning and discovered, that word translated
and used in parallel, the same word
Used as an Apostle and a
Prophet; both are translated as “messenger”, or
“Sent one”, also
“Angel”. I was floored when I read
that. I began to think about
Where it says, “before I
formed you in your mothers womb, I knew you before the
Foundations of the earth…”
Okay that scripture was given to Jeremiah, who was a
Prophet, which also goes
with the previous. So if God knew him before creation, who
was he? Where did he exist?
He was as the Angel’s then…? Which is fare to say that,
God gave him an assignment
and “sent” him to the earth from Heaven. His Spirit was
Devine, and because he was
born into humanity, he was “Predestined” to “know” the
Lord, and submit his life
to God, and learn submission as Christ did,
and discover human behavior, before he “starts his ministry”.
There is a scripture that
says, “many are called/invited, but few are chosen.”
There is a great question,
about which the “chosen” are, because not all are prophets, Teachers, Pastors,
Apostles, etc…so that tells me that not ALL are Predestined. It’s my opinion that those that were
predestined are the elect
And those are the ones that
were “Sent” from Heaven, as Angels Among Us,
To help, to minister, to
rescue those in danger, to protect, and of course,
First and for most, to tell
people of Jesus!
“I charge you before God,
and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angels, that you observe these things
without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality.” 1Tim. 5:21
I believe this is another
reason why the Bible tells us “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for
thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” Heb.13:2
There is another thing I
wanted to mention, you know the Bible is written by man, and man tries his/her
best to interpret the artifacts they find, but the Bible does tell you that the
Holy Spirit is the one that will teach you, so consider all things- yes; test
EVERY-THING, but listen to the Holy Spirit. Trust What He tells you. Don’t let
the fact that you don’t have a Doctorate in theology scare you, or to value
more the voice of others, simply because others do not feel comfortable with
what you believe the Holy Spirit is teaching you. Most the men in the Bible
were common fishermen, not
High Priest, and look how
God used them! If you know God, trust that you know his
Voice. Even if others think
your nuts-
Anyway, my conclusion is
that yes! I do believe there are angels among us! And you can also call them