Connections are more than just people we meet or plugs in the back of a TV. Our connection to God is what keeps us alive; everything is connected to God, without Him there is no life. I am not saying if you disobey God or try to cut him out of your life, he will be gone forever, God is never gone.
I am simply saying that there are times when our connection to Him can be clogged like a pipe. If we do not keep our connection to God open then we risk being unable to hear from God.
When you make any kind of connection you can't just connect then leave it alone until you feel like using it, You have to keep that connection going. You need to make your connection to God more important than anything, I am not saying to ignore your loved ones. I simply mean God is number one in your life and you need to talk to him as much as possible.
Also remember to keep that connection to God clean, if you pollute your mind and body and spirit with useless junk like TV and music and comics all the time then it can make it pretty hard to hear from God clearly. All you need to do is remember to do all things in moderation, don't over-do the entertainment/work Twilight and Arrow do not give you life, only God can do that, so be sure to keep your connection to him in tact.