Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Cast Away

Cast away, not only is it a title for a movie it is also what God says we must do in order to move on from our mistakes and forgive others of their own. When we make a mistake we tend to bask in it basically absorbing it into ourselves till the point it consumes us, but doing this will only chip away at your soul and destroy the confidence you gain when you submit your troubles to God.

There are times we like to blame our current troubles on past mistakes saying, “It is because of what I did back then”. When we blame our past because of our future mistakes it is often because we are being haunted by our past.

If you are haunted by your past mistakes even after you have confessed and were forgiven, it usually means that you have not forgiven yourself and you have held on to it instead of casting it away to the Lord.

Now there are also times when we hold a grudge against someone, times where they did something truly awful and never asked for forgiveness. Now of course we all think in order to forgive someone we have to hear them ask for it, some even want to hear them beg for forgiveness; However God says to forgive, he never says wait for begging or hold on to their mistakes.

For one, that person you keep blaming may have already forgotten or he may not ask you for forgiveness as God says all you have to do is come to him and he will forgive you. So even if they have not asked you, they more than likely have already been forgiven or they just do not care.

The only person that get’s hurt when there is unforgiveness is the one who holds on to it instead of casting it away to the Lord.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Love Is Love

Relationships are not based off of gender or sex, they are all formed by love, God meant love to be shared with everyone, now that does not mean having sex with everyone, it just means that you can love anyone no matter the gender, because love is all God cares about because He is Love. People try to define relationships of the same Gender with the words Gay and Lesbian, but if you have a pure mindset and heart then you would know that Gay is just another word for happy and Lesbian is merely a term invented to force women into a category all about sex.

If your relationship is built on Love and not built on Sex then you are not set apart you are simply in a relationship and in love. God is not against love or anyone that loves someone of the same gender. God did not come to persecute people or condemn, he came to bring life, and life abundantly! Life is about love, he is Love and so if you love someone do not be ashamed of it, if it is pure who cares about the gender?! To God, gender does exist, because in heaven there is no such thing, and we are to establish God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven! So if we are his children then we should live by his example. We are all equal in love and in life because God made us all and loves us all just the same. He expects us to obey the law of the land and so we all must do so.

If your relationship is just sex then it is not just to fight for same sex relationships, unless you are fighting for love alone and not any special rights other than what everyone else has. Love is fair and it is pure so if your intentions are not based on equality then you will not receive what you are wanting, because we are all equal in God’s eyes!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Evil, a word that seems to be used to describe every form of hardship or anyone who has done wrong or anything that seems wrong really. People always complain how bad things are or how evil that person is for causing them harm.

I understand that it seems logical to blame all hardships on the word Evil, but you have to ask yourself what caused this to happen? Why did that person choose to hurt me? Why? Well something that the bible says is: God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning--the sixth day.”

Now if everything he made was good then why is there such evil in the world?

“I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things.”

Now reading this you might think that God did something wrong, well the answer to that would be no. See if God had not made Evil we would not have the freedom of choice, Evil is nothing more than choice and when someone makes the decision to do evil it affects people.

Satan was not made as the source of Evil either; in fact he was originally a beautiful angel in heaven;

“How you have fallen from heaven,
    morning star, son of the dawn!
You have been cast down to the earth,
    you who once laid low the nations!

You said in your heart,
 “I will ascend to the heavens;
I will raise my throne
    above the stars of God;
I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,
  on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.[a]

I will ascend above the tops of the clouds;
    I will make myself like the Most High.”

But you are brought down to the realm of the dead,
    to the depths of the pit.”

When reading this remember what I said about Evil simply being a choice, see Lucifer was good but he allowed pride to manifest inside him, so when he made his choice on how he wanted to live he had to be punished for disobeying the Law.

Pride is not from pure evil either it is an opinion that manifests in your mind something that comes from the knowledge you have about yourself or something you believe which slowly takes over your entire being. Meaning any choice you make in pride will result in something bad because pride is always a bad choice.

“Pride comes before the fall”

God is good, so if he is good then why create evil? As I said God created what is good and what is evil, if Evil is a choice then so is Good. Because Jesus said, "No one is good--except God alone.”  This means that there is no such thing as a good or evil being in existence There is only choice. It is the decisions of others that causes events to take place.

If something bad happens that simply means that either a choice you made caused it or someone else chose to make it happen to you, or God chose to use that experience to make you stronger.

Every event in our lives is intended to make us into the people we are meant to be, some people can handle it and others cannot. God knows who can handle what but when we use our free will things happen that are not his to control because our decisions are ours to make, if they are bad God will simply help us through it if we ask for his help.

I mean what kind of God would he be if he did not allow us to make decisions? If he did change our lives without us asking him for change wouldn’t that affect the free will he has given us?

If things seem hard don’t blame it on him, things happen because they are meant to, God never said life was easy. We are going to live in eternal life and he has even given us free will, doesn’t that seem like something to work for? Decisions are what life is about, make good ones and follow God and he will help you through the tough days.

- Theopneustos

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Be Grateful

How many times have you been blessed? If you have an actual number then you need to reevaluate what you consider a blessing. When it comes to blessings you cannot be grateful for only certain things. In life everything is a blessing, even when bad things happen each event in your life is a gift that we should be grateful for.

If you have faced struggles and made it through then it is a gift because you are now stronger for it. If you are still facing struggles then be grateful because when it is over you will be that much stronger.

Every struggle every trial and every event in life is a gift to be grateful for because our life itself is a gift. Part of being grateful is taking care of everything you have been given, whether it is as important as protecting your family or as simple cleaning your living room. Being grateful means cherishing the gifts you have.

Many people including myself forget to take care of the things we have been given, usually because we are wanting something new so bad that we forget the things we have. Something I have slowly been remembering is that God will give us what we can handle and if he cannot trust us with what we were given; then how can he trust us with something new?

Take care of the gifts that you were given, be grateful for them and when the time comes God will bless you with greater things when you least expect it.

Remember, there are many things to be grateful for, so instead of looking for things to be grateful for, be Thankful for everything.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Trust is not a privilege not a right, it may seem like an easy thing to earn but in reality it can take years to earn trust for a lot of people. It took my brother and I years to trust each other, and we lived in the same house. This does not mean we did not care for each other it just meant we had to earn each others trust in order for us to become close.

In order for anyone to earn trust you have to be loyal, kind, stable, patient, compassionate and full of love. These are the things that make you trustworthy, without all of them you will not be able to earn trust. Trust is the reason soldiers survive in war, if each soldier did not trust one another they would not be able to fight along each other's side.

Trust is a tool for survival and a tool for life, it is what unites mankind and what separates us from those who would bring us down. However don't be too hard on those who are earning your trust because the way you treat them may come back to hurt you. Remember you have to be compassionate as well as kind to everyone. Just because you want them to earn your trust doesn't mean you don't have to do the same. Trust is equal responsibility between everyone involved.

During the entire process of developing Trust remember another important thing, compassion; There will come a time when your close one will mess up they will betray your trust in some form or fashion. You need to have compassion towards them. That means listen to them and have forgiveness towards them before you decide to cut them out of your life. Otherwise you will always have regret and hate surrounding you and it will harden your heart towards everyone you meet.

A strong Friendship/Relationship is built on Trust and trust makes us stronger.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Remove Titles

Something I have noticed for a little while now is the amount of labels and titles we assign to people. Nerd, Geek, Jock, Cool, Loser, Sinner the most prominent one though is sinner. Since when was it okay to call people Sinners? I understand everyone makes mistakes and needs to apologize for it, but I don't remember God telling us to go out into all the world and call people sinners... This is what God Said

Mark 16:15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.

Our Job is very simple, preach the gospel to all the world, he didn't say call people sinners or be religious in front of everyone. God said to Preach the Gospel, which means to spread the good news.
As for being called a sinner, here is the simple truth...

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

This simply means God gave his son to die for all our sins, not just sins of the past but all of them. To receive eternal life we simply have to believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

So much trouble among so many people all because of a stupid title's. If we remove the titles all we have are people with a soul. When you think about it, that would make life so much simpler.