No matter how plain something may seem at first, if you pay close attention you will find that there is something new and amazing all around you. When a tree sways, don't think it is simply because of the wind. The Bible says "You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands."
There are times where I go outside and can't help but feel the connection to everything, the love of God surrounding and flowing through everything and everyone, so much so that I feel the need to say hello to a tree or sing with the wind.
I don't sing very often with the wind mind you, but there are times where I just lose all care for what is worldly and just let go of my inhibitions and just praise God for everything he has made. When you see a rainbow, do you just see water droplets in the sky that reflect the sunlight because of some weather thing. What I see is a reminder of all God has established and done for us and a reminder that his promises are always true.
When I was a child I used to ignore the laws of reality and just do what felt right, not because of any self assured knowledge of anything, but simply because I did what God led me to do and I had no reason to doubt him. I still try to do the same but there are times when I forget all the wonders he has done and the wonders he says we can accomplish through him.
There is nothing in this world that we can not find some form of wonder in, no matter how awful something may seem, try and look at everything through God's eyes, because to him Good can be found in everything. Because God created the world and everything that exists and he said that it is good.