Monday, August 29, 2016

The Life

One of the greatest journeys in life comes from finding out who you are in God and living your life for him. This means letting go of all the things that make you childish or impure, meaning anything that rises up and tries to bypass the voice of God within you.

That voice that tells you what is good and what is bad, these are the foundations of the law you must follow in addition to the law of the land in which you reside. However not everyone has the same level of faith meaning some people have a different belief when it comes to the things that violates their conscience. This is because everyone is different spiritually, this is why we are not responsible for changing other people because if God accepts them for who they are and for who each of us are, then who are we to force our will onto another person.

Each of us was born into the kingdom of heaven with a different purpose but all with the same goal, and that is to point people to God. So that we can all one day rest in the kingdom of heaven. Until then we must strive to establish God’s will on earth

And that is simply to share his love, and blessings with others, meaning compassion, mercy, faith, and hope, this the essense of God and his love.

Now while some of this may seem hard for some people than for others, let me tell you the truth. This will not be easy

There is always darkness around the corner, the one who seeks to kill your love for God, steal your joy and make you wrestle with your faith this enemy is known as satan, the devil or whatever you want to call him. However this is a good thing, because the more you fight him the stronger you will become and the more you will be blessed in the long run

God blesses those who stand and fight in his name, and share his love with others because while it may be hard some days God never gives us more than what we can handle, he is always by our side no matter how tuff it gets he will never give up on us, even if we lose our faith he is right their with his hand ready to help you stand.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

God of Wonders!

There is so much wonder in this world, but the true test is looking beyond what we see. There is so much more to everything in this besides the external, in every living thing and everyone we can find new discoveries in the wonder that is God's creation. There are is spirit in everything a tree, every rock and even the blades of grass, for every person we see there is a mystery that lies within them.

No matter how plain something may seem at first, if you pay close attention you will find that there is something new and amazing all around you. When a tree sways, don't think it is simply because of the wind. The Bible says "You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands."

There are times where I go outside and can't help but feel the connection to everything, the love of God surrounding and flowing through everything and everyone, so much so that I feel the need to say hello to a tree or sing with the wind.

I don't sing very often with the wind mind you, but there are times where I just lose all care for what is worldly and just let go of my inhibitions and just praise God for everything he has made. When you see a rainbow, do you just see water droplets in the sky that reflect the sunlight because of some weather thing. What I see is a reminder of all God has established and done for us and a reminder that his promises are always true.

When I was a child I used to ignore the laws of reality and just do what felt right, not because of any self assured knowledge of anything, but simply because I did what God led me to do and I had no reason to doubt him. I still try to do the same but there are times when I forget all the wonders he has done and the wonders he says we can accomplish through him.

There is nothing in this world that we can not find some form of wonder in, no matter how awful something may seem, try and look at everything through God's eyes, because to him Good can be found in everything. Because God created the world and everything that exists and he said that it is good.

Friday, June 24, 2016

The Faithful

The life of the faithful is very rewarding, it is a position of honor and respect, the reason why I say this is not because I am honored by people, but because I am honored by God everyday.
Simply being in the presence of God is all the honor and respect I need, now the problem is, for some reason that is not enough for the leaders around us.

Many leaders and pastors do not value the words of the faithful, the words that are given by God to speak, because of the Earthly standards that have been set in place we are required to have riches and fame in order to be listened to, or respected by our piers.

God understands our desire to be respected and honored by our piers, but tells us, what good is it to gain the World and sacrifice your soul in the process? Sure many things can be gained on Earth, but only those who truly hear the voice of God will gain entrance into his kingdom, the thing is many of us that truly serve God will never receive the respect and honor from our piers because we do not play by the rules of man.

God and his people simply serve in the capacity of servants, nothing more. It doesn't matter what tile you have even if it is on a certificate, God does not value those things. God teaches us that the best we can do is to be the servant of servants. This means to help those who are servants to God as well and simply to remember that we are above nobody.

You can be a priest, pope, president or pastor it does not matter to God, to him these are simply titles to have. If you gain such an impressive title it is meant as a platform. You are meant to use your platform as a way to serve others. God places everyone who is faithful in their positions that they have, so that we can serve at the best capacity for who we are inside.

And just because things may get hard or even unbearable, know that God is always there watching out for you, and you will get out of the hard times, because no matter how bad it gets. God's plans are not to harm you but to prosper you. He has your reward in heaven and as long as you believe in him you will have access to that reward when it is time.

The life of the faithful is hard at times, but God says that his burden is easy and his yolk is light. God asks very little of us, the only problems we have are the one that the enemy throws at us. However God has made us mightier than anything that could possibly be thrown at us, as long as we remain faithful.

I may seem like I am rambling a little but that's because I am trying to get this word across, it is important you understand that Faith is already within everyone, it is a matter of simply maintaining it with the simple understanding that God is with us, he Loves us and that is all we need to live.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Prayer Life

Prayer is by far the most important part in anyone's walk with God, it can make or break your relationship with him; but that all depends on your level of faith. Many people have claimed they don't believe in God because they don't hear his voice when they pray to him, so they choose not to believe in him.

I've experienced many things in my prayer life with God, but in the end he always answers my prayers, in time. When a prayer is not answered there is a chance it was not God's will for your life or it was simply a selfish prayer. For God knows what's is in all of our hearts.

When we pray with selfish motives God hears it but does not answer it, because a selfish prayer is childish and often times harmful to ourselves and to those around us. If I prayed for money to pay for pornography, God would not answer that prayer, because whatever we allow our eyes to see can be harmful if it is un-godly. Now if I prayed for money to go to the moves with my family, there is a chance that he will answer that prayer, simply because it was innocent and with no motives other than to spend time with my family at the movies.

Often times there are prayers we pray to change the course of our lives, that is fine and dandy if it is God's will, but always be prepared because the prayer may be answered or it may not, either way you must be ready for what comes your way. God's will is ultimately the only prayer that is answered. Often times God's will may not be what you wanted, but it is always what you need. God listens to all prayer but even if your prayer is not answered you need to have faith in him. What good is it to believe in him only when he gives us what we want?

God wants us to pray to him not only for desires and necessities but to simply pray to him, to hear from him, so if he does not respond, simply seek him more. Annoy him wit all your questions, really get under his skin with how much attention you give him. God may not be needy but he still loves to hear from all of us, and the best way to get a response out of him is to show how much you love him by seeking him and listening to him.

I am still learning about prayer so I am no expert and probably never will be, but I am glad to simply pray in hopes of getting better at it and hopefully I will have a stronger relationship with God as I live and pray each day.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Words of Power

Words can be used for many things, they can inspire, they can oppress and they can set you free. Words are part of the building blocks of life, they can bring about so much change if you truly believe in the words you say.

The very creation of everything happened because of words that God spoke, and that same power, which was also the power that raised Jesus from the dead, is the power we have within us all. If we believe in God and the power that he placed within us, then we can move mountains with a word, we can raise the dead, and we can heal the blind.

Words can cause the most depressed individual to smile, words are power to be used for the greater good. This power is meant to spread joy, healing, love and so much more. Although many of us use our words to harm people, God still believes in us, and that we will do what is right.

Our words can change lives for the better or worse, they can restore faith, or tear it away. I don’t know about you but I want my words to inspire, whether it’s a thousand people or just one. If I can speak a good word to one person and change their life then I have accomplished something great.

I want my words to speak life, not death or despair; I want my final words to be words of the power of God.

Life is too short to speak words that cause pain; I pray my words speak love and kindness. This is what I aspire to and I hope many more follow this example, for these are not my words but the words of the God that made us.

Matthew 12:37
For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."

Proverbs 10:19
When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable, But he who restrains his lips is wise.

Proverbs 12:13
An evil man is ensnared by the transgression of his lips, But the righteous will escape from trouble.

Proverbs 13:2
From the fruit of a man's mouth he enjoys good, But the desire of the treacherous is violence.

Proverbs 13:3
The one who guards his mouth preserves his life; The one who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.

Proverbs 21:23
He who guards his mouth and his tongue, Guards his soul from troubles.

Thursday, June 9, 2016


Rejection is something many of us face in life, whether it's in school, trying to gain employment or in love. Rejection may be hard to receive at times but the best thing to do is let go of it, move on and live your life, because no matter how bad you are rejected in life, God will never reject you.

Life has many ups and downs, and rejection seems to be a big part of it, but often times it can serve as a test of character. No matter how long it takes to get over rejection, the important thing is who you are after you face it. I've experienced rejection all my life, simply because of what I believe and who I am, or even because of my age.

But the one person that has never rejected me or anything I've ever done or said is God, my father in Heaven. This great being has even given me a a mother that loves me unconditionally as well as siblings that love and respect me. It is because of this that I know, no matter the problems I have or the rejection I ever receive, no one's approval matters the only person I need the most is God and he has already proven that he will never reject me as long as I love and honor him.

Rejection might be tuff but a person of good character and a strong walk with God will always come out of it a stronger person.

1 Peter 2:4 ESV / 435 helpful votes

As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious,

2 Corinthians 12:9 ESV / 270 helpful votes

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Psalm 94:14 ESV / 242 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

For the Lord will not forsake his people; he will not abandon his heritage;

Psalm 34:17-20 ESV / 572 helpful votes 

When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Child Like Heart

Wonder, creativity and innocence, something many of us struggle to find in everyday life and in ourselves, but as kids we had an unlimited supply. This could be a sad thought, but the reality is, many people have been taught in order to grow up they must let go of childish things.

Funny thing really, because when people try to remove the childish things in their lives they often remove what they should hold on to; wonder, creativity and innocence. These are the building blocks of what makes a person interesting and worthy of a place in God’s Kingdom. In order to be accepted into Heaven, God wants us to be as innocent as a dove, and full of his creativity and wonder. In a sense you must be child like in order to grow, however God does require us to leave behind childish things.

What is childish is anything that is selfish and full of bad intentions. I was raised since birth to always keep a childlike heart, I still watch cartoons and have the interests of a child, but I know what it means to be mature, and part of growing up is accepting that I am not perfect but I can still have a childlike heart.

No one really loses the ability to think like a child as they grow up, they simply forget to do so. I know it may be harder for some, but it is completely worth the extra effort. You will find by focusing on maintaining a childlike heart, you will have a lot more freedom and joy in your life. Not to mention God will be even happier to receive you in his kingdom.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

It's a Beautiful Life

There are so many beautiful things in life that are often overlooked, the smile of a baby, the sound of a bird chirping even the trees swaying side to side. So many beautiful things to enjoy in this life but many of us including myself waste our days watching TV or playing Videogames. Granted there are many dangerous things in this world that threaten to harm us, and this may prevent us from enjoying all the world has to offer.

But God has given us each day so that we could praise him for all that he has made for us, he has given us the beauty that is the sky, the wonder that is in the laughter of a child playing outside. He has even given us the best gift of all, the ability to live in a world that he designed. So forget about the troubles that wait for you around the corner, because no matter the trouble no matter the pain, God has given you this day and all it has in store for you.

I’ve seen so many pictures of places that God has made that continue to amaze me, pictures of trees that are so beautifully designed that they seem so unreal, oceans that are so clean that you can see all the way to the bottom. I cannot tell you how amazed I feel just to have seen pictures of these places and things, it constantly renews my faith in the impossible, the fact that God could create these things in an instant is just amazing to me.

I hope to see such amazing things in person one day, but for now I’m pleased just seeing the sunset in my backyard.

So remember to always appreciate the beauty in life all around you, the sounds, the smells, the sights and the tastes. Because this life is only temporary and you don’t want to miss a thing.