Prayer is by far the most important part in anyone's walk with God, it can make or break your relationship with him; but that all depends on your level of faith. Many people have claimed they don't believe in God because they don't hear his voice when they pray to him, so they choose not to believe in him.
I've experienced many things in my prayer life with God, but in the end he always answers my prayers, in time. When a prayer is not answered there is a chance it was not God's will for your life or it was simply a selfish prayer. For God knows what's is in all of our hearts.
When we pray with selfish motives God hears it but does not answer it, because a selfish prayer is childish and often times harmful to ourselves and to those around us. If I prayed for money to pay for pornography, God would not answer that prayer, because whatever we allow our eyes to see can be harmful if it is un-godly. Now if I prayed for money to go to the moves with my family, there is a chance that he will answer that prayer, simply because it was innocent and with no motives other than to spend time with my family at the movies.
Often times there are prayers we pray to change the course of our lives, that is fine and dandy if it is God's will, but always be prepared because the prayer may be answered or it may not, either way you must be ready for what comes your way. God's will is ultimately the only prayer that is answered. Often times God's will may not be what you wanted, but it is always what you need. God listens to all prayer but even if your prayer is not answered you need to have faith in him. What good is it to believe in him only when he gives us what we want?
God wants us to pray to him not only for desires and necessities but to simply pray to him, to hear from him, so if he does not respond, simply seek him more. Annoy him wit all your questions, really get under his skin with how much attention you give him. God may not be needy but he still loves to hear from all of us, and the best way to get a response out of him is to show how much you love him by seeking him and listening to him.
I am still learning about prayer so I am no expert and probably never will be, but I am glad to simply pray in hopes of getting better at it and hopefully I will have a stronger relationship with God as I live and pray each day.
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