Sunday, December 23, 2012

Let's Talk About Sex...

Let’s talk about Sex, first off it is not something you are supposed to talk about with friends it is a Private, Intimate and amazing thing that you are only supposed to share with your spouse.

If you have sex before you are married and if you do it with a friend, then what do you have left for marriage? If sex is a regular activity that you do for fun, then marriage would only be a contract, and sex would not be different from being in a relationship, or being with a friends.

Sex is not an activity, or an event that is shared with everyone; it’s not meant to be done in public, in the bathroom, the back of a club, in the car, at the park, or anywhere else for that matter! I don’t even know how someone could possibly enjoy that crap, it sounds painful!

Anyway the point is, the best time to have sex is when you are Married and your in the privacy of your own bedroom; it will make it so much more beautiful and so much more enjoyable in the long run when you don’t have to worry about getting yourself tested for STD’s!!

Another thing, if you say to yourself that you are only having sex with the one your with, it doesn’t matter if you’re in a relationship with each one or not, especially if your breaking world records, like your wanting people to vote for you for a “Peoples Choice Award”! All it will do is show that you are no longer innocent and you have no self-respect.

But hey if I have slapped anyone in the face, here is some encouragement. If you repent for what you have done, God will restore you.  He will tell you to “go and sin no more…” He will restore your heart, your virginity, and your character.
Please do not use a Mistletoe for manipulation- disgusto!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Encouragement is something we all need; it gives us the extra drive to live. When we are not encouraged we tend to belittle ourselves or we allow harsh words to hurt us.
Some people try to look to others, or their own family for encouragement; but not everyone can get it from their family or friends so they go on a downward spiral of depression and self-destruction.

The mistake most people make is they think they can get constant encouragement from family and friends. The truth is there is only one person that can give you that encouragement and that is God. He lifts you up when you are down, he guides you and he is the only person that is always there.

The reason why he does this is just because he loves you and wants you to always love him, however this does not mean we should only turn to him when we feel self-pity. Self-pity is only selfishness and un-thankfulness for the blessings God has already given us.

We always need encouragement but we should also work to not be so self-centered to the point of depression. God knows and understands the problems we go through but he expects us not to dwell on our troubles but rather the blessings we have.
If you feel like life is so bad and that you have no reason to live then look at it this way; you are alive which means there must be a reason. Our job is to find the reason God keeps us alive, and how to serve him with our lives.

1Peter 5:7Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”

Matthew 6:25 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?

If you are bullied, don’t think that everyone hates you or that you are the only one that has to go through that crap. That kind of thinking is also selfish; because there are people all over the world that are bullied and they are just thankful to be alive.
Also you have to know that a person usually bullies for a reason that is beyond your control. All bullies have deep emotional scars in their hearts that they try and make fade by causing other people pain.

Even Jesus needed Strength, and needed to be encouraged.

Luke 22: 39-44
Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him. On reaching the place, he said to them, “Pray that you will not fall into temptation.” He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.

In the end everyone needs encouragement to fight the battle we call life, and the only true person who can help is God. It is our job to find those who need God and point the way to him.

Hebrews 12: 4 In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Fairytale Ending

The Fairytale Ending… Is it real? Is it obtainable? The answer to both is yes, the only thing that stands in the way is you. When we go through life there are always obstacles that stand in your way; struggles that we are supposed to face, but the truth is most people try to avoid these obstacles and they just end up getting worst until you eventually bring your own life to ruin.

Life is not something you can avoid or walk through without facing struggles, every day is a gift and the enemy is always there to try and take it away. When we fight through our struggles we are facing off against spirits and principalities. So of course it may seem difficult; but if you have God with you then he will fight your battle, you just need the courage to face these demons.

Ephesians 6:12
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

People are always searching for the “Fairytale Ending” but what they don’t know is Jesus is the true fairytale ending. He took away our sins, and he promises eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven, all we have to do is accept him in our hearts and serve him daily. That does not mean we will not struggle it just means he will help us with the struggles and keep us alive and well.

I use to search for The Fairytale Ending but then I realized that I already had it, I was just too blind to see what Jesus does for me daily. Because of him I am alive, because of him I have a roof over my head and clothes on my back, because of him I have a family that loves me. Because of him I have a relationship with God, because of him I am saved.

John 14:6
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Those of you who are searching for The Fairytale Ending, if you have Jesus and seek out God then you already have it. You just need to keep on fighting.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Peter Pan Syndrome

Hey there guys and girls! This blog is for all of you High School Grads and Seniors as well as College Students. I have seen so many posts about people wondering what they are going to do with their lives, or that they want to go to college but they have no idea what to study.

Well the truth in the matter is the only way to truly live a fulfilling life and receive the answers you need is by asking God what he wants you to do with your life. Now I am not saying you will not enjoy what he has planned; most people think he will just say that you need to be a pastor.God has a purpose for everyone a purpose that fits the skills and talents he has given you.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

If you love to sing and that is your gift then God might call you to praise him. Or you might be called to be a teacher or even a football coach. The whole point is to serve him, if you are a coach then coach your team to a life of serving God, praising Him when you win and lose your games.

For those of you who are trying to figure out what to study in college, stop thinking and just ask God. He will tell you what you need to know, if you are really called to be a pastor or a teacher then study biblical studies or whatever field you are called to teach in.

We are not going to each have the same exact career or life, but we are all called to serve God in amazing ways.

1 Corinthians 12:12
The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all it's parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ

Now there are a few of you who just want to have some fun, you feel like "Hey! I am still young, I still have some time to chill." Let me tell you; No one has time to be lazy like that, once you have finished High School it is time to grow up and figure out your purpose in life. You will have moments of rest and relaxing but you should not live for those moments.

The end is near and you have to serve God while you can, no one knows the time when he is coming back so until then, each day of life is a gift he has given you. The least we can do is figure out what we are supposed to do to serve him.

I don't mean to be harsh it is just that you have had plenty of time to be a kid, when you graduate that is moving on to adulthood.

I learned this at the early age of 14, so I can assure you I am not talking out my butt.

Matthew 24:36
No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, or the son, only the Father.

So having said all this, get busy praying and fasting if that is what you need to do to hear from Him clearly.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The One

How do you know when somebody is the one? This is a question that I am sure a lot of people ask, well let me tell you that it does not involve soul mates. For most people in the world it is hard to have a lasting relationship, no matter how many people they date or how hard they work at the relationship.
That is because most people try and do things by their own understanding.

The only way to know if somebody is "the one" is by asking God to tell you. Yes it is true God is the ultimate matchmaker and wingman. He is better than any dating website and marriage counselor.
There are some people who might think that God is too busy to play matchmaker, but believe me He will help you with anything, because He cares for you and wants to be involved in every area of your life.

If you don't believe me just check out the story of Isaac and Rebekah in the Bible:
Genesis Chapter 24

Now just to be clear, even though a relationship is God ordained doesn't mean there won't be any problems. Any relationship and marriage takes work and commitment, you have to expect that there will be arguing and a variety of disagreements, thats part of a normal process of "becoming one". However, if you work through it and learn from the mistakes, by learning to listen to each other, and respect each other's individuality and opinions, then in the end it will make you a stronger couple.

Now back to the question, when God tells you that somebody is the one, He will show you signs that will lead you to know that he/she is "The One"; Because sometimes He will tell you about someone and you will not believe that it is possible for him/her to be "The One". The truth is God never gives you what you expect, He makes sure to surprise you! LOL!

I have asked God, "Who is the one for me?",  a while back; at first I couldn't believe the one He showed me could be "The One" for me... then He told me signs of different events that would take place, that would lead up to our communicating, developing a friendship, and to it's ultimate design.
The most awesome part is that, nearly every sign He told me has taken place, all the way up to her current hair color.

It doesn't happen the same for everyone, but to each according to how God deals/speaks to you, He'll
let you know in such a way that there can't be any doubt on your part. This is how you'll know when you've encountered "The One" for you; if you ask God He will make everything fall into place for you, then your just going to have to trust Him that it will happen.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

God Can Do It

There is nothing God can’t do, people seem to set a limit to what God can do I don’t know why but people do. Remember God used a man to split a huge body of water in a straight line. He used many of his people to heal the blind, crippled and sick.

He can do anything he wants but we tell ourselves that he can only do certain things.
Let me tell you; growing up would have been very hard for me if it weren’t for God.
I lived in a low-income family yet every time we prayed for provision we would pull through no problem at all.

Even the smallest things like wanting ice cream, all I had to do was ask God and he would provide the money to get it.

I remember on one of my birthdays I really wanted a scooter, but they were all too expensive for my mother to get. So I asked my grandparents if they could get it for me, but they told me they could not afford it but told me to pray for it if I really wanted it. So that night I prayed to God for a scooter and apparently my grandparents said they prayed as well. On my birthday my uncle brought over a new scooter, he had told my grandparents that he heard God tell him to buy it for me and so he did.

Philippians 4:19 And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

God not only provides but he can cure any sickness, if you have faith.
The biggest thing for me was when I was cured of asthma I had struggled with for such a long time, I had a hard time with physical activity for a while because I had asthma due to my lungs not being fully developed.

But one day I had gotten very sick and found it too hard to breathe so my family prayed over me and within a few hours I was cured. I was able to breathe and my lungs expanded quickly.

This is what the power of God can do if you have faith in him.

Something that a lot of people don’t realize is that God can give you the answers to anything and give you strength to do anything. One time I had forgotten to study for a test and I was so completely worried because I was afraid of getting in trouble.
So I asked God to help me because I didn’t know what to do. When the test started the answers just flowed in my head and I passed the test with an A+.

I was so thankful and relieved all I could do was thank God.

Philippians 4:13 For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.

Remember to have faith in God and what he can do, he can do anything so don’t let your mind limit what he can do. Let your spirit lead you and all will go well with you.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Trust and Respect

This blog is one of the most important lessons I have ever had to learn. Trust and Respect two of the most important things a person could have. When someone trusts you it isn’t because you’re cool, it’s because you have been there for the person who trusts you. It’s because you don’t abandon them in their time of need.

Basically for someone to trust you, you’ll have to be an honest to God good friend and give them real reasons to trust you.

Simon Peter in the bible had to earn his trust back from Jesus because he denied him three times. Jesus basically had to see if he could trust him by asking him three times if he loved him.

If you haven’t read the story here are the scripture references to both the denial of Jesus and to Jesus testing Simon Peter.

Mark 14:66-72

John 21:15-19

Trust can be lost if you give them a reason not to trust you; if you constantly lie to your friend eventually they will not know when you are telling the truth and they will end up not believing anything you say.

There are a lot of things that you can do that will cause others to lose their trust in you. But like everything you must earn your trust.

Respect is another thing you must earn; respect is earned especially with your friends.

If you are flake with your friends then they will lose all respect for you because respect is earned by the deeds you do and the way that you are. If you only talk a good talk, and can’t do what you say. Then you are only kidding yourself and you are not real with your friends.

If you correct your friend in front of others, just to make yourself look good then you are only disrespecting them. In turn your friend will no longer respect you.

Another form of respect for those of you who has a boss that is completely horrible or a co-worker that you don’t like; you are not supposed to make fun of them or pick on them. You are supposed to respect them.

1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 We ask you, brothers, to respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you,  and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among yourselves. 

Hebrews 13:17 Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.

1 Peter 2:17 Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor. 

The biggest way to gain respect is to show respect, if you cannot respect others then you will never receive respect.

For those of you who do show respect and don’t receive any; then look at other areas of your life to see what you might be doing wrong. If it is not you then you are just being friends with the wrong people.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Emotional Self Control

Depression, anger, pride and arrogance, almost everyone struggles with these emotions and expressions it takes wisdom and understanding to know when you are taking it too far.

I have struggled with depression once and I was one of those who took it too far. I managed to let it consume my life almost to the point of no return. But God used my mother to pull me from the abyss and to realize that I had taken my sadness too far.

When you allow yourself to be ruled by your depression then it can affect the people around you. Although it may seem hard all emotions are controllable, some people have said that they couldn’t control their emotions and that they let their anger/depression get the best of them. But because you can control your emotions the only thing that happens is you allow yourself to be ruled by your emotions.

God wants us to share the light with people; you know like Faith, Hope, Love, Peace, Joy and Happiness. These are the emotions you should allow to run wild, these are the only emotions that should run your life.

Depression, anger these kinds of emotions are horrible and can lead to your own destruction if you don’t keep them under control.

When I was growing up I had a lot of anger problems, every time my brother would get on my nerves, I would hit him, but because that I would get punished. Any emotion that does not walk in line with the Fruits of the spirit can lead to your demise. Or even worse it could keep you from fulfilling you purpose in life and separate you from God.

2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

If we cannot control ourselves then how can we have a good life? And how would we ever be able to save souls like God wants us to do?

Sunday, May 20, 2012

More Than Just a Title

It is great to see so many people wanting to be Christian, but I wonder how many really are Christian. I mean being Christian is much more than just joining some club, or bring a part of a family; it is not a fan club it is a way of life.

When you become Christian you are supposed to put your old life behind you; even if things don’t seem to be changing you will notice changes very soon.

Being Christian is more than just a trend that you do when everyone else is doing it. It is a choice you make to give your life to God and accept Jesus as your lord and savior.

Now don’t think that being Christian is an easy thing to do, especially for those of you who have friends who are not so accepting of your new self.
But the good news is God is here for you, he will listen to your problems, he will help you get through the troubles of life and he will love you as long as you love and obey him.

Being Christian is more than just acting good around certain people then acting like a jerk with others. When you are Christian you must be one way with all people. That means to love everyone including your enemies, that means helping someone even if there is no benefit for you.

Proverbs 4:27
Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.

Being a Christian might not be easy but your reward in heaven will be great and the burdens you use to carry; will no longer be your own. Listen to what God tells you and do what he says and life will be good to you no matter what the enemy tries to throw at you.

Matthew 5:12
Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Remember not to be a Christian because other people are “doing it”, remember to be a Christian because it will improve your life and save your soul.

God is with you and waiting for those who are ready to come to him.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Why Hope is Important

Hope a word and emotional state that few are familiar with, I am not sure why but people seem to lose hope so easily. It is almost like at the first sign of trouble people begin to fear then they give up.
I use to have so little hope in mankind it seemed everywhere I looked; someone was committing a crime, or only serving him or herself. But then I realized my lack of faith was causing me to lose hope in mankind.
When I was going through this I found a scripture in the bible that helped me learn my very first easy lesson.
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Just by reading this I realized even though I might not see a lot of good being done by people, there are still people out there that are doing good.
I learned that I have to have hope in the things I can’t see, and have faith that there are good people in the world.
Do you know why hope is so important?
Well without hope there would be chaos, hope is what keeps people alive even when life seems unbearable. Hope is what allows people to tell themselves everything will be all right.
How many times have you reached the end of your rope, like when work is so stressful due to a co-worker or even due to your boss? So stressed to the point that you just wished your life was over. But then you could see a slight glimmer of hope, either you could just feel it or someone told you everything will be okay.
Or for the younger people have you ever felt like things were so tuff in school, like if you’re picked on. Or if your schoolwork is just too hard and your afraid to ask for help I imagine some of you have even wished you were dead. Then suddenly you see a glimmer of hope over the horizon and everything is okay.
See in life you need to have hope whether it is hope that there are good people in the world. Or hope that everything will be okay.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Don't Waste Time

A lot of people including myself have wasted time every now and then. Usually because of laziness, not caring, or sometimes to do what we want to do.
But what we neglect to remember is that our time here on earth is limited.
Every day is a gift that we must cherish, God doesn’t give us life so that we can waste it; he gives it to us to serve him.
James 4:14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.
Reading this scripture we should know that life is short we need to finish all the tasks that God has laid out for us.
We should not worry about tomorrow because we don’t know if it will come. We need to focus on all the tasks of everyday life, it could be designing a website, or even cleaning a house.
All that matters is that our work is done, and that we live life to it’s fullest.
Matthew 6:34 "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring it’s own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today.
Now all that is left to remember is to live life to it’s fullest, live as if every single day was your last. You can help someone you would not normally be seen with.
Give money away even if you are known to be greedy. Help your mother wash the dishes even if you normally avoid it.
Tell someone you love him or her. Forgive the person you hate. Spend time with your family.
The best one of all is spend time with God and show him how much you love him.
Above were examples of a few things you can do, if there is something you have neglected to do, then do it before it’s to late. Don’t pretend as if you always live life to it’s fullest; everyone makes the mistake of wasting time.
But someone who lives life to it’s fullest is someone who can admit to his or her mistake, and try again.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Luck and Miracles Which is Real?

Many people have no problem believing in good luck and bad luck, yet they have a lot of trouble believing in miracles. This might be because not a lot of people know miracles are for, well in order for me to tell you what miracles are for I need you to know about luck.
Luck is something that man has come up with in order for us to cope with the good things and bad things that happen in our lives.
But the truth is luck is fake; in all the stories I have read about someone saying that they were “lucky” or had “bad luck” it usually has no real purpose it just happened.
But in the bible it says:
Ecclesiastes 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
Since everything in life has a purpose then that means luck cannot exist, however there is one thing that does have purpose and that is miracles.
Miracles are what we ask for in a time of need and if it is not a selfish request God will grant it.
For example when I was a child I had an almost fatal case of pneumonia I was going to have to stay in the hospital for a while for observation and to get well.
I didn’t know this when I was a kid but while I was there I kept on getting sleepy, and every time I tried to sleep my mother or a doctor would wake me up. But what I didn’t know was that if I had fallen asleep I would have died.
Now the part that was a miracle was a missionary from Africa had flown all the way to America to deliver my mother and I a message. He said that I would be better in two days and that by that time I would be going home.
And so after two days and all the prayers it came to pass and I was able to go home.
Now I am sure your wondering why bad things happen since there is no bad luck. Well there are some Christians who like to believe that all bad things happen because the Devil is just wanting to attack us, well that is partially true. The Devil does like to pick on us but the Devil does not have the power to do so. He must have permission to do this, when we disobey God by sin or by not doing what he asks of us. That is like giving the Devil the keys to your life.
God does not just take his protection from us if he does it is because we sinned against him and it is us who has pushed God’s protection.
There is a scripture that talks about God’s protection
Ezra 8:22
I was ashamed to ask the king for soldiers and horsemen to protect us from enemies on the road, because we had told the king, "The gracious hand of our God is on everyone who looks to him, but his great anger is against all who forsake him."
Someone who has true faith that Miracle’s can happen they will feel ashamed if they ever have even a little doubt in him and his protection.
If your not ashamed of doubting him and his protection then you remove God’s protection and that will leave room for the enemy to attack.
If you notice there is a reason for Miracles to happen and there is also a reason for the Enemy to attack you. Both should make you want to run to God.
Miracles help you with life’s troubles and being attacked by the Enemy is something we bring upon ourselves when we disobey or doubt God.
So I suggest you have faith in Miracles and what God can do over Luck because it can come back to bite you in the butt.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Faith in the Impossible

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)
These are not just words but a way of life; in life all things require faith. When a miracle happens it is because someone had the faith that a miracle could happen, and that God would be the one who could make it happen.
When someone asks for a miracle and it doesn’t happen it is because there was no faith in the heart of the one who asked. When you ask for healing would you ask with faith that you can be healed? Or will you question if it can happen?
Faith is needed to believe in events that are normally impossible
A Miracle is an "event" that occurs in a normal context, but which is normally impossible by the laws of nature.
Examples are the virgin birth, the resurrection of Jesus, Mohammed's night ride to Jerusalem and so on. Some people believe that miracles still occur in the present. Some people believe that miracles only happened in the past but some of the most amazing miracles happen today.
An example of one was when I was in the 3rd grade I had the worst case of pneumonia I could have died but God had other plans; I was healed within 2 days.
Another is of my little sister she had hit her head so many times that eventually she had a seizure and died. But my entire family prayed and she was healed the same night.
These are but a few there are millions that I don’t even know of. Some people will try and say it is luck, let me tell you luck is something that happens on it’s own for apparent reason which means luck is impossible since all things happen for a reason and are pre-planned.
I am sure a lot of people would prefer to believe in luck over faith, since faith requires work and a strong spirit and a strong connection with God.
But God never said that Life would be easy and that miracles would just come out of nowhere. It takes faith for the impossible to happen, not luck or something you plan yourself.
Sometimes a miracle happens differently than what you asked for, God doesn’t give you what you want but what you need. He will bless you with the desires of your heart but he will not give you something you were not meant or need to have.
These are things that you need to think about…
Do you have faith in the impossible?
If you need something will you have faith that it can happen?
Will you question if a miracle can happen?
Will you accept what God gives you or will you complain?