Saturday, March 30, 2013

Don't Put God In a Box

You know what I love about God? He is not traditional in anything he does.
I’ve always considered myself un-traditional, but when God called me to do
What I’m doing, I realized I had to face a lot of things in myself that were very traditional.

When I started Genesis, I guess I always thought it would “make money”, but
Genesis is self-funded, per the Lord’s instruction, so that I can produce the kind of media that is without compromise. My life is more like that of a Missionary,
Because a missionary has to raise their funds to go out to other nations to preach the Gospel, where as I am funded by my family.

I had to humble myself to be able to walk this path, because I had loftier expectations, but my ways and thoughts, were not like that of the Lord.
I know that one day Genesis will be a well-known media company and it
Will grow both financially and in stature, but for now I have to walk this un-traditional path, because it’s not about me, It’s about all those that I build a
Relationship with every week all over the world in Second Life and minister to there
Needs (whether its by stopping a cyber bully, couples counseling, one on one counseling, or just chilling with random people). I bring to them a message of hope! Hope to hang on and not give up!

Initially, I did have to fight both Religious and Traditional perspectives.  I had people come against me with their preconceived ideas of what a kid my age should be doing & how. People did not take what I do seriously, telling me that I should stop playing games and get a job, or to work in a church as a youth pastor. But anyone that knows
God knows that you can’t put God in a box! You cannot tell him what you want to do, and how you want to serve him-He tells you!

At first, I have to admit it did hurt me and made me doubt myself. People had good
Reason to say the things they said. I may have been reaching thousands every week
Via internet with the message of the Lord, only spending about 300.00 a month, where others doing what I’m doing by raising money going to these nations spending thousands, never having enough, God gave me opportunities to do things cheaper and more convenient. Some might call that innovating & creative, while others with a more traditional view, may see it as lazy- go figure!

When God tells you he wants to do something through you, it’s never the way you think. His ways are not like our ways, and neither are his thoughts. His are far more
Higher than ours…

When the Jews in the Bible expected their king to come, they thought he would be
A man of stature, but Jesus came as a baby, born in a manger, riding into town on a
Donkey, not a stallion:

Jesus had woman supporting his ministry financially. In his day, for a woman to
Be the “provider” was a humiliating thing, because woman did not have much value, they were little more than donkeys themselves. When Jesus came, he changed EVERYTHING! He redeemed that for them, and they became his benefactors, sort of speak! Together they changed the world!

Jesus didn’t have a place to sleep, he stayed where people gave him room, and I’m
Sure there were times he slept outside. Even in those times, that was not ideal for
A King, not even by today’s standard! Which is why Jesus was mocked as the “King
Of the Jews” back then.

When I was feeling awkward and uncomfortable with my position and how it wasn’t
What I expected, these things are the things that comforted me. Just knowing that,
I am not above my teacher.

I have a special person in life that I care very deeply for, and one of the hardest things I have had to deal with is provision. As a man, I want to be the provider
And the protector, and so this lesson of humility is very difficult for me to

In relationships, especially un-traditional ones, things are not always going to be
Like the 50’s & the 70’s where “the man goes to work, and the woman stays home
And cooks.” Today, it could be that the man stays home and does the cooking and
The cleaning, taking care of his wife’s needs at home, while she goes off to work.
(Okay, I still have a hard time to swallow this while I’m writing this), as true as it
is, I want to do it all! I want to take care of her needs at home and help provide,
but I know I won’t be able to do it all-it sucks!

Nevertheless, not all relationships are the same, even the God ordained ones.
Those are the most un-traditional of all, so stay open & stay humble, let God
Do what he does best! Trust Him!

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