Saturday, April 20, 2013

Loss and Gain

Loss is something we all have experienced at some point in our lives. If you haven’t it’s okay, it may be that your season of dealing with stuff like that hasn't come yet. I am not saying loss is a great thing, but it can have a good affect on your life.

When we reach a certain point in our lives that requires us to become more mature or wiser, we experience loss. Whether it is the loss of a loved one, or a relationship/friendship; when I was 15 I lost my grandfather to cancer, at first I went through a stage of depression but when I was brought out of it something inside of me changed. In losing him, I realized how important it was not to waste time, I became more focused and determined to fulfill my call than ever. Plus, I knew with all my soul that God was with me!

Recently I set aside a week to spend time with the Lord, and during that time He was teaching me about loss and its purpose. He told me it is more than just learning how to let go of someone that has passed away. It also applies to everything in life. When it comes time for a child to finally leave his home and be on his own, he must deal with the loss of his childhood.

Some people are glad to leave their home, but that is because they already experienced the loss of their childhood at a young age;
Another form of loss is the loss of a friendship; I am not talking about a friendship falling apart or anything like that. I am talking about the time in everyone’s life where you and your friend grow up and grow apart due to the changes in your life and personality.

The good news is we don’t lose something without God bringing someone or something into our lives to fill the gap, or to bring growth. It could be a new friend, a new father, or mother figure, or a new home! Basically God turns every loss into a gain.

One example of not being able to deal with Loss is the story of Abram. When God told Abram to leave his fathers house and
go to the land where God would show him, Abram took his nephew
with him. This was a bad idea. If you read the story, Abram’s decision turned sour! Lot became greedy, selfish, and later got himself into "A Lot" of trouble, in which God had to use Abraham to rescue Lot.
Genesis 13:1-18

Not letting go when your supposed to can cause a lot of problems down the line. You have to know when to let go-

A better example of letting go, was when Jesus prayed for his disciples just before he was to be betrayed. He knew his time
was up, and although he made one attempt to stay, by asking his
Father if there was any other way, yet not his will be done. Jesus
Knew it would be better if he went home to heaven, because he
Would then be able to accomplish more for the world.

Loss is not always a bad thing if you have courage to embrace it.

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