Saturday, April 27, 2013

Raising A Standard

Recently God has been dealing with me about being anxious about his promises; I wanted God to hurry up, because I wanted to be close to the woman I love, but God
Stopped me in my tracks and said to me; “No son, she needs a certain kind of man, because you’ve asked for a certain kind of woman.”

I stood corrected. My attitude was selfish, and you know this whole week I’ve behaved in a way that was uncharacteristically of what “a man of God” should act like, all because of my selfish wants.

Many times we want God’s promises, but are not willing to humble ourselves and submit to his guidance. We want to do things our own way.

Women, you need to not accept anything less than a true Godly man. A Godly man does not mean he has to be perfect, but willing to allow God to change the things that need to be changed, so they can be worthy of your love & affection.  Don’t sell yourself short, be patient and don’t allow guys talk down to you, or to make you what they want you to be.

Don’t let a guy get away with only changing for the evening, just long enough to get what he needs from you. NO! You make them work for it! You are worthy of commitment! You are worthy of a faithful guy! You are worthy of his time!

I don’t consider myself perfect in the way humans view perfection, but I do allow
Myself to be perfected by God: I want to be the man my future wife deserves, and only God can teach me where to change.

So to guys I leave you with this video to consider:

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