Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Arrogance of Man

This blog is about arrogance, there are many ways to be arrogant but God specifically wanted me to share certain forms of arrogance with you.
First form of arrogance is failing to acknowledge a persons work.
Now even though God tells everyone not to seek recognition from man, but God still says to give credit where credit is due; plus everyone still has a natural curiosity of what is being said about them.
I have been personally experiencing this all this month, I almost worried that I wasn’t making a difference. But I failed to listen to what God and even what my own family was telling me. God told me so many times that I am doing a good job.
My parents told me that I was doing well. But I still wandered why my ‘friends’ would not even talk to me. Then people that I never even met, people from around the world (China, Africa, Brazil, CA, UK, Ireland, & still some stateside; OH, OK, & AL) told me how much they loved my work!
Even in the Bible, Jesus asked his disciples, "who do they say I am?” not because he wanted credit, though he was worthy of it, but because he wanted to know their thoughts of him, because he cared about them, and because he was naturally curious.
So now I know it wasn’t that I was doing wrong, it was that people were so arrogant and consumed by their own pride to give credit to anyone else.
My Mother posted on my face book this story about Jesus:
Even Jesus when he healed the 10 lepers, only one had the humility & gratitude to come back & tell him Thank You! Jesus said, where are the others? & Because the 1 came back, Jesus, not only healed him,
but he made him whole! Isn't it common courtesy to come back and thank someone when they have helped you? Don't you at least tell someone thank you when they've allowed you to use their restroom to throw a dump in it? You have more courtesy to them, & more gratitude IT SEEMS… Sometimes it's just common courtesy people-
My Mom told me this and I want everyone who has experienced this to avoid the people who treat you like a water fountain, only coming to you when they are thirsty & walk away.
The other form of Arrogance I want to talk to you about is, failing to help someone who is down just because you see yourself better then them.
For this I want to tell the story of the Good Samaritan:
“A Jewish man was traveling on a trip from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he was attacked by bandits. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him up, and left him half dead beside the road.
31 “By chance a priest came along. But when he saw the man lying there, he crossed to the other side of the road and passed him by. 32 A Temple assistant [b] walked over and looked at him lying there, but he also passed by on the other side.
33 “Then a despised Samaritan came along, and when he saw the man, he felt compassion for him. 34 Going over to him, the Samaritan soothed his wounds with olive oil and wine and bandaged them. Then he put the man on his own donkey and took him to an inn, where he took care of him. 35 The next day he handed the innkeeper two silver coins,[c] telling him, ‘Take care of this man. If his bill runs higher than this, I’ll pay you the next time I’m here.’
36 “Now which of these three would you say was a neighbor to the man who was attacked by bandits?” Jesus asked.
37 The man replied, “The one who showed him mercy.”
Then Jesus said, “Yes, now go and do the same.”
I am not saying that all pastors (but also the people that claim to know God) are like this but; when we see someone in need of help and decide to pass them by, that is both prideful and arrogant, and neither of these things will reserve you a place in Heaven.
The one who is Compassionate and acknowledges and helps the person in need will have eternal life.
The same applies to those who fail to acknowledge that they appreciate the work you do, or the help you’ve given.
The least a person can do is say, “Good Job” or “I like the work you have done”, or “Thank You!” “I appreciate all you!” (With a sincere heart)
It is so simple.
The Credit for this blog and all others I have written go to God.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Let His Light Shine!

This is something that God wanted me to share with you, For almost two weeks this month the genesis website visits came to a complete halt. I didn’t know why, but within the week my mom started telling me that we stopped mentioning things of God.

She explained to me, that we had been listening to what other media producers and artists were telling us, that we could not mix media and arts with things of God.

And by we I mainly mean me. I let myself get caught up with the hype of Hollywood and of Media, I got the words of others so far inside my head to the point where I let it hide the light of God.

When we allow the words of others to keep us from sharing the word of God, then we are hiding him (his light). Now when I ignored what everyone said and started doing what God told me to do, things picked up.

Matthew 5: 14-16"You are light for the world. A city cannot be hidden when it is located on a hill. No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket. Instead, everyone who lights a lamp puts it on a lamp stand. Then its light shines on everyone in the house. In the same way let your light shine in front of people. Then they will see the good that you do and praise your Father in heaven.”

So basically I allowed others to control the kind of media I put out and, I stopped lifting up the name of God. Do you see the kind of trouble I caused.

You can avoid everything I did of this if you allow his light to shine through you.

Just let it shine…

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cast Your Cares

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”
Matt. 11:28-30
For those of you who know me, know that I like to help people. You should know that it isn’t easy: Helping people is hard, but can be done if it is God’s will; however, the hardest part is casting other people’s problems to the Lord.
I have made the mistake countless times of taking on someone’s problem and instead of asking God to give me the answer, or asking him to fix it, I try to fix it myself-that’s not good.
God will send people your way to help, and it’s a joy, but other times, people come your way, because they know what you do & try to get you to help them.
When this happens, you always feel a weight/ burden; some times it can make you feel overwhelmed, or pressured; sometime it can cause you to experience physical, or emotional pain.
We are not meant to take on the burdens of other people, when we do it has its toll on us.
There is a difference between helping people and enabling them to take advantage of you, or of others.
Now it is possible to grow tired, or weary when your doing what your “suppose” to be doing, but it’s usually when we’re trying to do things in our own strength.
God tells us all to cast our cares and burdens to him, so always remember not to keep your burdens and not to take on other people’s burdens, that God didn’t tell you to help.
If you give all your heavy burdens to God he will give you rest, he will make it so you no longer worry or feel stressed, it will become a joy to you again.
And if you take his yoke (harness) and let him teach you, you will find his yolk and all burdens light! (Easy)
So cast your cares on HIM, and HE will give you rest!
Here is a good example of the approach you should take when helping people:

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Don't Judge

The LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
1 SAMUEL 16:7

When I was first starting the Media Ministry, creating videos and taking pictures were things I tried to avoid, because I thought that all artist, or people on camera had to look a certain way.

I would tell my mother that I didn’t want to be on the camera until I was skinny and muscular.

My Mother told me that we didn’t have time to wait till I was in shape that the time for the videos and pictures was now.

When I got a little older and started telling more and more people about what I did as the director of Genesis, they would tell me they thought I should be a Football Player because of my size.

They even doubted that I was an artist, because of my size: They didn’t bother to pay attention to the talent I displayed, only what I looked like.

God later told me that he created me the way I am, to stand out among everyone, to change the way people think about how a person is “suppose” to look, instead of focusing on the person & their talent, or character!

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged? For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
Matthew 7:1

When it comes to judging, there are many aspects to cover, but it all boils down to pride. Whether you’re the one judging others for how they look, talk, or do. Whether you think your better then others due to financial status, or popularity:

“So if any one of you thinks you're important when you're really not, you're only fooling yourself. Each of you must examine your own actions... Then you can be proud of your own accomplishments without comparing yourself to others. Assume your own responsibility.” Galatians 6: 3-5

Maybe you’re the one that compares yourself to others, maybe arrogantly, or maybe that’s why you feel down about yourself (because you think your less than those around you). To you I say, you are beautiful, you are more than a conqueror, because that’s how God made you! Don’t give up! Stay Strong! If God is for you, who can stand against you?! You will reap your reward, if you do not give up!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Show Me Who Your Friends Are And I'll Show You Who You Are

I have heard so many excuses this month from people who make mistakes and don’t want to take responsibility for their actions. Some people like to surround themselves with friends that are negative influences and when something bad happens they blame their friends and excuse themselves.

However if you have negative friends in your life, it is your decision to go along with everything they do. In other words, no one “makes you” do anything.

When a friend asks you to do something that you know is bad, and yet you do it anyway, you have no right to blame your friends because they didn’t make the decision for you. You don’t have to lie for them, and you don’t have to join them in what they are doing.

We all make our own decisions on the type of person we want to be, and no matter whom you hang out with, they cannot affect your judgment, personality or your decisions. This is all your doing!

So when a person acts out of character or slightly different from what you are use to, it has nothing to do with whom he or she hangs out with. What you are seeing is who they are choosing to be.

2 Corinthians 6:16 And what union can there be between God's temple and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God said: "I will live in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people.

3 John 1:11 Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God.

So if you have a friend that is acting out, and you think it has to do with the people they hang out with, you better think again. (And what does that make you for hanging out with them?)

Now if you are someone who hangs out with negative influences then let me share a poem with you that I have found on the subject.

Friends will come

And friends will go.

Many you will never know.

Some are real!

Some are not!

Be aware of those that plot!

Good ones, few!

Phonies, many!

Lifetime friends! Rare, if any!

Use your head!

Ask your heart!

Choose your friends and choose them smart.

Some will cheat you!

Some will hurt you!

Some turn quick and then desert you.

Some will try

to bring you down.

Turn your smile to a frown.

There’ll be good ones!

They’ll be rare.

They’re the ones who love and care.

Treat them good.

Tell no lies!

Be yourself. Wear no disguise!

Know that they

can trust in you.

Be a friend and be it true.

Lose the ones

That you can’t trust.

Those that fill you with disgust.

A friend is one

who betters you.

Pray for one, you might get two.

For he who has

a trusted friend.

One they, truly, can depend.

Must, in return,

a friend, true, be.

That they can trust, dependably.

I shared my thoughts!

I gave my views.

Be careful in the friends you choose.