Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Evil, a word that seems to be used to describe every form of hardship or anyone who has done wrong or anything that seems wrong really. People always complain how bad things are or how evil that person is for causing them harm.

I understand that it seems logical to blame all hardships on the word Evil, but you have to ask yourself what caused this to happen? Why did that person choose to hurt me? Why? Well something that the bible says is: God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning--the sixth day.”

Now if everything he made was good then why is there such evil in the world?

“I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things.”

Now reading this you might think that God did something wrong, well the answer to that would be no. See if God had not made Evil we would not have the freedom of choice, Evil is nothing more than choice and when someone makes the decision to do evil it affects people.

Satan was not made as the source of Evil either; in fact he was originally a beautiful angel in heaven;

“How you have fallen from heaven,
    morning star, son of the dawn!
You have been cast down to the earth,
    you who once laid low the nations!

You said in your heart,
 “I will ascend to the heavens;
I will raise my throne
    above the stars of God;
I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,
  on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.[a]

I will ascend above the tops of the clouds;
    I will make myself like the Most High.”

But you are brought down to the realm of the dead,
    to the depths of the pit.”

When reading this remember what I said about Evil simply being a choice, see Lucifer was good but he allowed pride to manifest inside him, so when he made his choice on how he wanted to live he had to be punished for disobeying the Law.

Pride is not from pure evil either it is an opinion that manifests in your mind something that comes from the knowledge you have about yourself or something you believe which slowly takes over your entire being. Meaning any choice you make in pride will result in something bad because pride is always a bad choice.

“Pride comes before the fall”

God is good, so if he is good then why create evil? As I said God created what is good and what is evil, if Evil is a choice then so is Good. Because Jesus said, "No one is good--except God alone.”  This means that there is no such thing as a good or evil being in existence There is only choice. It is the decisions of others that causes events to take place.

If something bad happens that simply means that either a choice you made caused it or someone else chose to make it happen to you, or God chose to use that experience to make you stronger.

Every event in our lives is intended to make us into the people we are meant to be, some people can handle it and others cannot. God knows who can handle what but when we use our free will things happen that are not his to control because our decisions are ours to make, if they are bad God will simply help us through it if we ask for his help.

I mean what kind of God would he be if he did not allow us to make decisions? If he did change our lives without us asking him for change wouldn’t that affect the free will he has given us?

If things seem hard don’t blame it on him, things happen because they are meant to, God never said life was easy. We are going to live in eternal life and he has even given us free will, doesn’t that seem like something to work for? Decisions are what life is about, make good ones and follow God and he will help you through the tough days.

- Theopneustos